The strange fruit

An allegory of the individuation process.

The strange fruit. Birth. (2012) Luna (Isa Lozano) and Fruit (Amaia Prieto). Photo: Julia Casesnoves.

The Mask of the Seasons, detail (2012). Collage.

The strange fruit. Winter. (2012) Dancer: Lorenza di Calogero. Photo: Julia Casesnoves.

The strange fruit. Maturity. (2012) Fruit (Amaia Prieto) crouching besides the Mask of the Seasons. Photo: Julia Casesnoves.

Photos (Julia Casesnoves) of the stage work and the rehearsal.
The Mask of the Seasonsk. Photos of the production team creating the props. Post-production. Reviews.

The strange fruit is a scenic work that I presented at Rambleta Espai d’Art in 2012. The piece is articulated in three parts: the first one is an allegory of birth, brought about by a lunar character who discovers a woman who has been born of the Tree of Life. This young woman wears on her head a huge mask, which is evocative of the transitions through different life stages. Near her, two musicians (violin and guitar) interpret her feelings, while a dancer dances her desires and fears. In her maturity, the woman frees herself of the mask, triggering a process of transformation. The voice-over music takes the work to its climax.

This work was part of the exhibition Transonírico, organized around the presentation of my book (M)Other Sea, published by Manuscritos (Madrid). In the exhibition hall, the Magma and Dreamscapes series were on display, and also the video (M)Other Sea. The leiv motif of the exhibition was the process of integration of the internal images.

Vandendorpe, May 2012


Moon: Isabel Lozano

Fruit: Amaia Prieto

Emotions (dancer) Lorenza di Calogero

Feelings (musicians on the scene): Paul Candau (guitarra) y Gustavo Orihuela (violín)

Second Moon: Maribel Campoy


Script and direction: Mercedes Vandendorpe

Choreography: Lorenza di Calogero

Production Director: Silvia Casanova

Technical director: Paul Candau

Assistant director: Jorge López

Musical creation and performance: Paul Candau y Gustavo Orihuela

Musical creation in voice-over: Alejandro Diez

Scenography, Lighting and sound: Paul Candau

Lighting technician: José Abalos

Choreography Birth and Maturity: Cristina Gómez

Costumes: Rocío Juárez

Scenography and stage direction: : Paul Candau y Mercedes Vandendorpe

Props: Belinda del Camino, Paul Candau, Maribel Campoy, Silvia Casanova, Balbino Cuartero, Laura Granell, Jorge López, José Lopez, Amaia Prieto, Batiste Sevillano y Mercedes Vandendorpe


Audiovisual production: José María Adrover Montemayor (Gecko Audiovisuales)

Photography: Julia Casesnoves

Trailer of the Strange Fruit, by Gecko Audiovisuales. Link to YouTube.

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