
Exploring the inner world through drawing.

The Fall (2020). 42 x 29,7 cm. Pencils on 200gr Canson paper.

The Earth (2020). 42 x 29,7 cm. Pencils on 200gr Canson paper.

The Eye of the Earth (2021). 42 x 29,7 cm. Pencils on 200gr Canson paper.

The Mist (2020). 42 x 29,7 cm. Pencils on 200gr Canson paper.

The Branches (2020). 42 x 29,7 cm. Pencils on 200gr Canson paper.

Drawings of dreams and drawings as active imagination.

Inland Iincludes drawings of dreams and drawings as a process of Active imagination, a technique for working with the unconscious proposed by C.G. Jung. Some of these drawings were crucial for the development of the story The Imperceptible Beat of Images (see here).

Drawing is my way of capturing the fluctuating whirlwind of images from the unconscious. Drawing is my way of meditating, of silencing the mind and of listening to these images. Thanks to these drawings, new dreams emerge, activating a sort of dialogue.

Vandendorpe, January 2022

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